Monday, July 4, 2011

BF3 vs. MW3 in Bonus Round at

Bonus Round starts out its special series with a versus between Battlefield 3 and Modern Warfare 3


  1. I hate how people keep saying "Oh BF3 runs at 30fps on consoles" sorry that it is true HD and has 100x better graphics than CoD, CoD is running of a modified Quake 3 engine. Also the human eye can't detect the difference between 60 and 30 fps, it is science, look it up. Then how they say battlefield doesn't have crazy campaigns, yeah because BF has actually some what more believable campaigns and dont need a bunch of set pieces to make the campaign good like CoD. that last good CoD was 4!

  2. Lol. Brad G is so butthurt. And jelly. It's science. Look it up.

    Go cry me a river, Justin Timberlake.
